The first StayOn Co-Innovation Labs have just finished, and they were a great success!
The project partners engaged the Community Shapers in “Co-Innovation labs” aimed at involving the target group in creating a service or product or developing an ideal useful for their communities.
The Labs were held in the five different partners’ countries across Europe: Italy, Poland, the Azores, Greece and Ireland. Each location had its unique approach to the Labs.

In Italy, the participants closed the first training sessions with a photo exhibition and a tasting of herbal teas produced by the participants. They also had a “guided” wine tasting managed by them, and all the communication contents of the event were created by our digital marketers.
In Poland, the participants visited an organic farm, attended a workshop to make tinctures and teas, and listened to an ecology lecture. They had an opportunity to work in groups on the resolution of different problems identified by them during a brainstorming session.
In the Azores, the participants had ice breaker activities before working in groups on the resolution of different problems identified by them during a brainstorming session. They also had the chance to visit some companies, where they got to know more about the business models, target markets, and recruiting process.
In Ireland, the participants learned how to work with essential oils and how to use natural dried herbs and mindfulness products. They then practiced blending home remedies for oil burners before creating aromatherapy products of bath salts and body scrubs. The participants are now able to develop, create, and work with their mindfulness products for home use and in professional settings.
These first StayOn Co-Innovation Labs have been a great starting point for the professional improvement of the participants and a good insight into the local job market. They have learned practical skills and gained knowledge about their communities.
StayOn is committed to continuing its work with young people and creating opportunities for them to develop their superpowers and stay on in their rural communities for another long and exciting year: stay tuned for more updates!