A more inclusive, active and creative world!

Youth empowerment

Access to opportunities and jobs

Trainings and coaching sessions

Focus on rural communities

Transnational cooperation

Funded by the EEA & Norway Grants
Manifesto of the European Rural Youth Alliance
StayOn project
In the EU, rural areas are affected by a higher share of NEETs, and a higher proportion of the population faces the risk of social exclusion. Stay-on’s ultimate objective is to create conditions that enable young people to “stay on” rural land by ensuring their access to opportunities, benefits, services and jobs. The project aims at fostering youth empowerment providing adequate skills for the rural labour market, such as digital skills, abilities to manage environmental impacts, and personal development.

Rezos Brands is a food-oriented Greek SME founded in 1983. The organization aims at contributing to the competitiveness of Europe, its sustainable economic growth and job creation by promoting and strengthening synergies and cooperation among start-ups, SMEs, educational institutions and the third sector.

Cresaçor – Regional Cooperative for Solidarity Economy, founded in 2000, in the form of a Social Solidarity Cooperative with limited responsibility, equivalent to a Private Social Solidarity Institution, is currently made up of 27 Cooperators, non-profit organizations of the social and solidarity economy.

BB Consulting is a Slovenian based consulting company, established in 2000. The team is made of four experienced consultants, trainers and managers with diverse backgrounds, experience and interests.The company focuses on personal development, organizational development and organizational transformations.

The Polish Farm Advisory and Training Centre not-for-profit Sp. z o.o. is a private not-for-profit company providing advisory services to farmers, fostering rural development and promoting entrepreneurial spirit among youth in rural areas. The organization has an in-depth knowledge of the local territory and its needs.

Association Atis is an employment agency (Agenzia per il Lavoro, APL) founded in 2003 in Palermo in the northwest of the island of Sicily, Italy. More specifically, the organization promotes youth employment interventions aimed at young people at-risk and offers also different types of services for youth.

The Regional Government Of Sicily – Department of Agriculture is a division of the Regional Government of the island of Sicily, which is the biggest region of Italy with over 5 million inhabitants. This region was founded in 1946 and is one of the five Italian autonomous regions with a special status.

Meath Partnership is a dynamic partnership company established in 2006 to deliver a range of rural, social and economic programmes at local level across County Meath in Ireland. Meath Partnership aims at providing support and assistance to private individuals and community groups active at local level.

The ECSF was established in 2018 as a new competence centre of Munich Business School (MBS). The ECSF at Munich Business School is dedicated to applied research and technical assistance in the social finance and social impact management sectors. The ECSF aims at translating academic knowledge into practical results.

The EEA and Norway Grants represent the contribution of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway towards a green, competitive and inclusive Europe. There are two overall objectives: reduction of economic and social disparities in Europe, and to strengthen bilateral relations between the donor countries and 15 EU countries in Central and Southern Europe and the Baltics. The three donor countries cooperate closely with the EU trough consecutive grant schemes between 1994 and 2014.
Total contribution
For the period 2014-2021, the total contribution is €2.8 billion.
The priorities for this period are:
1_Innovations, Research Education and Competitiveness;
2_Social Inclusion, Youth Employment and Poverty Reduction;
3_Environment, Energy, climate Change and Low Carbon Economy;
4_Culture, Civil Society, Good Governance and Fundamental Rights;
5_Justice and Home Affairs.
Eligibility for the Grants mirror the criteria set for the EU Cohesion Fund aimed at member countries where the Gross National Income (GNI) per inhabitant is less than 90% of the EUU average. The EEA and Norway Grants scheme consists of two financial mechanisms. The EEA Grand are jointly financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, whose contribution are based on their GDP. Norway Grants are financed solely by Norway.

EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment
Stay – on Newsletter 27.06.2024 Call no: 2020 – 1 Project Index No: 2020 – 1 – 0181 Lead partner: REZOS BRANDS ANONYMI EMPORIKI ETERIA IDON DIATROFIS ECSF NEWS#1At the ECSF, Giulia is thrilled that her book, a significant part of the StayOn journey, has been...
EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment
Stay – on Newsletter 24.06.2024 Call no: 2020 – 1 Project Index No: 2020 – 1 – 0181 Lead partner: REZOS BRANDS ANONYMI EMPORIKI ETERIA IDON DIATROFIS BB Consulting NEWS#1At BB we are proud of our role in the StayOn project as a relationship building and knowledge...
EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment
Stay – on Newsletter 21.06.2024 Call no: 2020 – 1 Project Index No: 2020 – 1 – 0181 Lead partner: REZOS BRANDS ANONYMI EMPORIKI ETERIA IDON DIATROFIS ATIS NEWS#1Hello everyone!☀️ Summer is just around the corner here in Sicily, and we are thrilled to kick off a season...